If you're new to the crypto world, or to a new blockchain, or have any other doubts, ask a question to other users on our platform.
Not everything an AI can answer accurately.
H2E, from human to human,
from trader to trader,
is for all WEB3 enthusiasts.
Help2Earn,Monetize Your Knowledge

Launch app soon


Introducing H2E

Answer and earn
For each helpful answer you provide, you receive H2E tokens as a reward. A question can receive multiple answers, and the question author decides which is the best answer. At that moment, they earn the H2E tokens and points to level up.
Help2Earn (H2E) is an innovative platform that allows users to earn tokens for answering other users' questions. We believe knowledge is valuable and we want to reward people for sharing it.
Sell your course in NFT format
The second phase of our application will involve building a marketplace where users can sell their knowledge, such as video courses or ebooks in NFT format. From educational content to any area of web3, like creating and selling your futures trading course.
Increase your level to increase your APR.
The APR may vary from user to user, meaning the more accurate answers you have, the higher your level will be. The higher the level, the greater your mining power/greater APR.
We will adopt a revenue-sharing system of fees from the sale and purchase of NFT courses for the top holders of H2E tokens and the highest-rated users in terms of level.
Stake and earn
In our platform, another way to earn H2E tokens is through staking, which has an APR (Annual Percentage Rate) of XXX%.


Phase 1
Formulation of the idea, feasibility, and usefulness of the platform.
Launch of the website.
Elaboration of the proposal concept.
Phase 2
Start of the pre-sale.
Beginning of marketing.
Hiring developers.
Phase 3
Launch of the DApp
Launch of the Telegram DApp bot.
Launch of the stake.
Launch of the RevShare.
Launch of the NFT course marketplace.